The customer´s or a visitors privacy is a priority for us at Parkers and for this reason our Privacy Policy describes how the customer´s or a visitors personal information and data is collected, used, retained and shared when they visit, communicate with, or make a purchase from Site or through Parker´s Instagram or Facebook pages or on our Etsy page.

This Privacy Policy aims to explain how we, at Parkers comply with the General Data Protection Regulation Act (GDPR) 2018, the Data Protection Act (DPR) (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). We, at Parkers comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016 (the “General Data Protection Regulation “Or” RGPD”) and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (“LSSI”).

We, at Parkers will never sell a customers personal information and data. In addition, without a customer´s prior consent (which a customer is free to withhold) We will not share their personal data with any third parties, except where we are required to do so by law or as set out in this Privacy Policy. The information and data given to us from a customer and held by us should be accurate and up-to-date. The information and data we ask for or collect is ONLY used for business purposes and is ONLY important to our business. We, at Parkers ONLY gather information or data this is useful to our business or needed for our business. By using our Site or Instagram or Facebook pages or on Etsy; you as either a visitor or a customer consent to the collection, use and sharing of information and data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We sell item(s) through our own Site which is controlled and regulated by Go Daddy Terms and Conditions, their Privacy Policies and their Seller Policies. Due to our (Parkers) Site being a product of Go Daddy it means that all our (Parkers) financial transactions on our Site makes our payments transactions through Stripe´s online portal. Stripe is regulated by their own Terms and Conditions, Privacy policies and Seller´s policies. Parkers as a company also sales item(s) through Etsy so we comply with their seller´s policy. And, we also sell item(s) in Instagram so we will comply with their Seller´s Policy and Privacy Policy. If you as a visitor or customer need more information or want to expand on this, you will need to contact thems via their websites.

The Privacy Policy is split into several categories

  1. Why we collect customers information and data
  2. Who do we share customers personal information and data with?
  3. Types of Treatment
  4. Security
  5. Email policy
  6. Data Retention
  7. Delivery Data
  8. Intellectual Property
  9. Downloads and Media files
  10. Reliance on Information and Data posted
  11. Virus, Hacking and other offences
  12. Written Communications
  13. Social Media profiles
  14. Modifications of this Privacy policy
  15. Object
  16. Language and applicable law
  17. Severability of the Clauses

Article 1: Why we collect customers information and data.

Our company of Parkers proceeds to collect the personal information and data of customers. This is necessary for the management of a customer’s order, issuance of invoices and identification of the customer. What we mean by personal information and data refers to a customer: Name, Surname, Billing address, Postal address, Telephone numbers, Email address, Payment information, Company name, the customers preferences & interests and Details of the item(s) that the customer is ordering. Data or information provided to us from customer is either been mandatory information and data that we need to use OR we need this information and data to contract our item(s) and services OR additional information and data if they have voluntarily provided us with OR some information and data that is automatically collected for example through Cookies.

This information OR data is normally collected from a visitor or customer when they use our Site, their mobile applications OR when they enter our social networks or social media pages.

1.1. When do we collect the information and personal data processed

We, at Parkers collect and process a customers or visitors personal information and data. Always with their knowledge and consent. This is normally every time they are a visitor or customer or use our services, social media or Site and also on the following occasions:

A. When they make an inquiry or write to us through our online contact forms; using their Name, Surname and Email information.
B. When they subscribe to our newsletter; using their Name, Surname and Email information.
C. When they fill out our paper forms available in our physical space; Using their Name, Surname, Email information, Mobile or landline phone number, Postal address.
D. When they browse our Site OR Instagram page OR Facebook page.
E. When they place orders to purchase or contract our item(s) or services; using their Name, Surname, Email information, Landline telephone number, Mobile phone number, Postal address, NIF, DNI, Company name, Bank and Payment details encrypted (card, IBAN etc) information.
F. When they interact through our profiles on social networks.
G. When they write to us by email or post.
H. When they respond to our messages, questionnaires or surveys.

I.  We also collect the following information automatically; Usage information content they view, their favorite searches and products, there purchase history etc.

1.2. How We Use a Customers or Visitors Data or Information

We, at Parkers use a customers or visitors information and data to fulfil: an order, to settle disputes, or to provide customer or visitor support.  For the purpose of our Company (Parkers) legitimate interests and if those legitimate interests are not overridden by the customer rights or interests:

A. We, at Parkers use visitors or customer(s) information and data to improve our services. By providing online or internal services that a visitor or customer has requested and is a legitimate interest to improve our services.
B. Provide and use a customers or visitors information and data in compliance with the Go Daddy Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy AND StripesSeller Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use AND Etsy Seller Policy, Privacy policy and Terms of Use AND Instagram’sTerms and Conditions, Seller policy and Privacy policy AND Facebooks Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

C. We use the customers or visitor’s information and data as necessary to comply with our obligations under the Go Daddy Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy AND StripesSeller Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use AND Etsy Seller Policy, Privacy policy and Terms of Use AND Instagram’sTerms and Conditions, Seller policy and Privacy policy AND Facebooks Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
D. Enable us (at Parkers) to process a customer’s order(s) and to provide the customer with the services and information offered through the Site and which they request.
E. Administering a customers account with us.
F. To verify and carry out financial transactions in relation to payments a customer makes online either through our Site via Stripe, Etsy or on Instagram page.
G. When auditing the downloading of data and information from our Site on our Instagram or Facebook pages.
H. To improve the layout and/or content of the pages of our Site OR Instagram page OR Facebook page and customise them for users.
I. To identify visitors on our Site Instagram page OR Facebook page.
J. To carry out research on our users’ demographics and tracking our sales via data.
K. Parkers might send the customer information that we think they may find useful or which a customer may have requested from us. This information or data might include information about our item(s) or services or potential shopping basket recoveries. This is only provided if a customer has indicated that they DO NOT object to being contacted for these purposes.

We also use a customer’s information and data if we have to comply with a legal obligation, a court order or in connection with a legal claim. For example, if the tax department wants to retain information about a customers and their purchase(s) then we would have to supply the relevant information as legally necessary.

1.3. What we at Parkers do with the information and data we gather

We (at Parkers) require information to understand a customers or visitors needs. In order to provide them with a better service. In particular we gather information or data for the following reasons:

– Internal record keeping.

-We may use the information to improve our item(s) and service(s).

-We may periodically send promotional emails about new item(s), special offers or other information which we (at parkers) think a customer may find interesting. Using the email address a customer has provided

-From time to time, we may also use a customer’s information to contact them for market research purposes. We may contact a customer by Email, Landline telephone, Mobile phone, Whatsapp or Mail. We may use the information or data to customize our Site, Instagram or Facebook pages according to the results.

Article Two: Who do we share your personal information or Data with? 

The sharing of customers personal information is used for very limited reasons and in limited circumstances. The following outlines what these reasons and circumstances are:

2.1. Service providers

We ONLY share a customers Personal Information and data with third parties to help us use their Personal Information.

At Parkers, we engage certain Trustee third parties to perform functions and tasks that provide services for our online shop or for our physical space. Such as delivery companies, service providers, agents, subcontractors to us such as courier and parcel delivery services for the purposes of completing tasks and providing services to you on our behalf. We also share your personal information with these third parties such as Etsy, Go Daddy, Stripe, Instagram and Facebook but only to the extent necessary to perform these services. 

We do this for the purpose of our legitimate interests in operating our business and for performing our contract with the customer. However, we disclose only the personal data that is necessary for the third party to deliver the service. It is possible that third parties may themselves engage others (sub-processors) to process the customers data. Where this is the case third parties will be required to have contractual arrangements with their sub-processor(s) that ensure the customers information is kept secure and not used for their own purposes.

2.2. Business transfers

If Parkers as a company sells OR merges as a company. Parkers may disclose customers information or data as part of that transaction. Only to the extent permitted by Spanish and EU law. Compliance with Spanish and EU laws means that, we may collect, use, retain, and share a customers or visitors information and data if we have a good belief that it is reasonably necessary to:

A. Respond to legal process or to government requests.
B. Enforce our (Parkers) agreements, terms and policies.

C. Prevent, investigation, and address fraud and other illegal actively, security, or technical issues.  

D. Protect the rights, property, and safety of our (Parkers) customers, or others.

2.3. Cookies and what Cookies are

Cookies are small pieces of information and data that are stored on a customers, visitors or users computer when they visit our Site or Instagram or Facebook pages or Etsy.

They do not harm a persons computer, instead they are used to analyse the way a customer uses the internet on our Site or Instagram or Facebook pages or Etsy. Cookies can personalise sites to suit a person’s preferences.

When you as a visitor, customer or user enter our Site you have to agree whether or not you accept Cookies access to your information and data. Once you have agreed, the file is added, and the Cookie helps analyze web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, like and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences. 

When you as a customer, visitor or user visit our Site, we and Go Daddy automatically collect certain information, including your IP addresses, operating system, the type and version of the web browser, the date, hours and frequency with which you access our Site and the way in which you browse through its content. We and Go Daddy collect this data through Cookies, whether their own or from third parties, of the following types: technical, personalization, external social networks, analytics, advertising and behavioural advertising. They are used so that you can browse our Site correctly and access all sections without problems. It also helps improve your user experience and offer content.

You as a visitor or customer can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

2.4 Updates and changes in the Cookies Policy

Parkers and Go Daddy can modify this Cookies Policy based on new legislative, regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or the European authorities on data protection.

If you want more information about what use we make of the Cookies we use on the Site, you can send us an email: [email protected].

2.5. Links to third party Sites
On the our Site it contains links to other Sites owned and managed by third parties. All of them have and manage their own Privacy Policies, Cookies, Terms and Conditions, Data protection and Conditions of Use. Parkers assumes NO responsibility or legal obligation for the content of these policies OR the way in which said third parties comply with their obligations in terms of data protection and for the content and information provided by these said Sites. Consequently, we recommend that you as a customers or a visitor should carefully read and review the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policies, Cookie Policies and their Conditions of Use of each Site.

2.6. Transactional Information

We, at Parkers works with Stripe to operate our Site payment transactions. Naturally, Stripe as a company collect information and data regarding our customers payment transactions made through our Site. We also use Etsy as a platform to sell item(s) through and also Instagram as a selling platform. Both of these platforms also collect information and data regarding you (the customers) payment transactions. This information and data include: a customer’s payment instrument used, its expiration date, the amount paid, date and time of payment, billing postal code, IBAN code, a customer address and other transactional data. This information and data is necessary so that you as a customer can buy our item(s) and contract our payment services correctly. However, as a customer you should know that your payment data or is encrypted, so that we cannot access its content.

The personal data that you as a customer have provide us on our Site, Instagram or on Etsy MUST be true, exact, complete and up to date. You are responsible for any direct or indirect damage or loss that may be caused as a consequence of the breach of such obligation. In the event that the data provided belongs to a third party. Prior to the transaction you MUST obtain their consent and inform them of the content of this clause.
If you are a provider or supplier to our shop, you should be aware that we at Parkers use and store the personal data of people from a providers or suppliers organisation in order to manage the services that you provide us as a provider. In addition, we (at Parkers) keep your financial data in order to pay you the corresponding amounts for the services you provided. We (at Parkers) consider that all these activities are necessary within the framework of our legitimate interests as a beneficiary of your services.

If you are less than 16 years old, you CANNOT register on our Site OR send us your personal data OR information. Ask your parents to help you read this document (Privacy Policy) and clarify any questions you have about it. Or, if you are between 16 and 18 years of age, before providing us with your personal information you MUST have obtained the consent of your parents, guardian or legal representative so that your personal data can be subject to automated treatment.

If you have any further questions email us at: [email protected].

Article 3: Types of Treatment

3.1. Inquiries made through the contact form

We (at Parkers) will process the personal information and data that a customer has provided us with through our contact form. This is normally sent out when we answer your queries or requests. Likewise, if you give us your consent by checking or ticking the corresponding box. We can use the information or data you have provided us to send you commercial information, through a variety of different means such as email, SMS, push notifications, postal mail, social networks, whatsapp, Instagram, facebook etc. This data and information concern our item(s) and services, such as our newsletter, offers in participation for raffles, contests or surveys.

3.2. Newsletter subscription

We (at Parkers) will process a customers personal data and information (email address) in order to send our customers a newsletter. If a customer gives us consent by checking or ticking the corresponding box, we can inform them through different means (email, SMS, push notifications, postal mail, whatsapp, Instagram, facebook etc) about news and exclusive promotions related to our item(s) and services. If you also send us an email at: [email protected] we will add you to our mailing list.

3.3. Order management during and after the purchase process

The personal information and data that a customer provides us (at Parkers) throughout the purchase process on our online platform will be used to process, send and invoice the item(s) a customer has purchased. This informs a customer about the monitoring of the order, to help to manage the delivery, helps to manage possible returns and refunds or will help carry out the after-sales services (if necessary). Likewise, the management of data and information after a purchase is for the following reasons:

  1. To process a customer information and data to maintain a historical context of our business relationships with the customer.
  2. To keep our accounting and comply with our administrative and fiscal obligations.
  3. To perform statistical analyzes on the use of our online store on the Site, Instagram, Facebook and Etsy in order to optimize our content and improve the users experience.

3.4 Controlling your personal information

In the following ways you as a customer or visitor may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information:

  1. If you are asked to fill in a form on our Site look for the box to click that indicates that you DO NOT want the information to be used by anybody for direct marketing purposes.
  2. If you have previously agreed to us (at Parkers) using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to OR emailing us OR clicking on the unsubscribe OR optout link in our email marketing emails. Our email address is: [email protected].

Article 4: Security
At Parkers, we place great importance on the security of all personally identifiable information associated with our users.The Site is designed using the Go Daddy portal, and for this reason our security and security system is taylored and monitored by their system. We cannot guarantee the security of information you submit via the Site whilst it is in your browse. So, when you have finished your user session, exit the page, to help ensure others do not access your personal information. If you use a shared computer or a computer in a public place, ensure that you exit the web browser.

Please note that where or when you are transmitting information to us over the internet via our Site, social media pages (Instagram and Facebook), Etsy etc. This can NEVER be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Go Daddy securitys measures are implemented to protect personal data loss, misuse from alteration of personal information under our control or destruction.

Lastly, we will NOT transfer your personal data outside the EU without your consent, under the circumstances as specified in the privacy policy. Unless we need to use it for a third-party delivery supply.

For any payment which we take from you online we will use the recognised online service payment system of Stripe. Our payment system is tailored and monitored by Stripes security system and their data and information protection policies. You can go to their website: to have a look at their conditions.

In addition, we will notify you promptly in the event of any breach of your personal information and data might expose you (the customer) to serious risk.

Article 5: Email Policy
The following conditions can result in Parkers sending you (the customer) an email:

A. You purchased one or more item(s) from Parkers either in store or online and opted in to receive further information from Parkers.
B. You subscribed to the Parkers newsletter mailing list (either in person at Parkers or via our Site
C. Someone that you know visited Parkers Site and you gave your permission for them to use the ‘email this page to a friend’ function

If you as a Customer have received emails from Parkers and feel that none of the above conditions have been met, you may send an email to us to complain OR if you want to receive no further marketing information from us you can do this by emailing us at: [email protected]. This means that in the future we (at Parkers) will NOT use your email address in this way and will only use it to communicate information regarding your order(s). In addition, Parkers does not send emails to people with whom it has had no previous contact.

We (at Parkers) take reports of spam abuse seriously and we will work with you (the customer, visitor or user) to find a solution to the problem. In rare cases, spammers find new ways to exploit vulnerabilities within Sites to force them to send spam. If you suspect that this has happened, we would appreciate it if you would notify us: [email protected]. We are constantly working to improve the security of the Parkers Site in order to prevent our customers from getting spammed and to reduce the amount of spam on the internet at large.

Article 6: Data Retention
We (at Parkers) retain a customer’s personal information and data only as long as necessary to provide you (the customer, visitor or user) with our services and as described earlier in the Privacy Policy. The general rule is that we will keep a customer’s data and information as long as their contractual relationship with us is maintained. Once this relationship is finished, we will continue to keep this information and data as long as the customer DOES NOT request its deletion OR as long as said information and data remains relevant in relation to the purposes for which it was collected.

However, we may also be required to retain this information to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, to resolve disputes, and to enforce our agreements. 

In accordance with the Organic Data Protection Law 15/1999 (LOPD) and with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) the customers has the right of access and rectification of the information and data that concerns them, as well as the right to oppose the processing of his/her information and data. To exercise this right the customer, they can email us: [email protected].

6.1. Conservation Term

A customer needs to provides us to complete a purchase process the conservation time for data and information:

  • 5 years: The data after a customer has provided us through the Site contact form.
  • 2 year: The data you provide us to complete the transaction will be kept indefinitely as long as you consent persists and consequently, as long as you remain a registered customer, visitor and user.

The information and data that a customer provides us to register in our Newsletter delivery system will be kept indefinitely, as long as the customer consent persists.

The data a customer or visitor provides us to fulfill the purposes indicated in the Cookies Policy will be kept indefinitely as long as they do not revoke their consent or oppose such treatment.

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].

6.2. Other terms

When the legal basis that legitimizes us (at Parkers) to process a customer’s information and data is your own consent. As a general rule the customer will not be obliged to provide us (at Parkers) with their personal information and data. However, you (the customer) must bear in mind that we can only provide the customer with the services the customer request (for example, sign up on our Site, send you our newsletter or commercial information of interest to you, etc.) if you (the customer) provide us with some information and data that we consider necessary for such purposes, and that you can clearly identify on our forms because they are marked with an asterisk (*). If the customer DOES NOT provide us with the required information, we may not be able to provide the requested services to you (the customer) or we may have to provide it incompletely.

The customer consent MUST be free, specific, informed and unequivocal, and they must grant it to us through positive and affirmative action, without any pressure and knowing what they are consenting to. Consequently, to meet these requirements clearly and unequivocally, when requesting their consent through the corresponding forms, we will include a summary with basic information on data protection. We recommend that customers read all this information before giving their consent to each type of treatment. We will keep a record of all the consents that a customer has given in this regard.

6.3. Is it possible to revoke a customers consent?

Of course. In those cases in which a customer have authorized us (at Parkers) to process their personal information and data, a customer can revoke their consent at any time by sending a us an email indicating specifically what they wish to revoke. Email us at: [email protected].

Keep in mind that if you (the customer) revocate your consent this does not affect the legality of the information and data processing. This would be subject to your consent that we have made before the said revocation. This is also in regard to information and data processing that we can carry out on other legal bases, such as an interest legitimate, the performance of a contract or the fulfillment of a legal obligation.

6.4. To which recipients will your data be communicated?
All the data and information that you (a customer) has provided us (at Parkers) will be treated by us with the utmost confidentiality. A customer’s data and information may be communicated to trusted third parties located within the European Economic Area (EEA), if necessary, to provide them with the services a customer has requested for instance delivery of an item(s). Consequently, the information and data sent to third parties will be used only for the ultimate purpose of offering the customer our services in the best conditions. In each specific treatment activity we will detail the categories of third parties that access a customers data and information. When appropriate, and always in accordance with current legislation, we can exchange a customers personal data with the following categories of recipients or service providers that perform specific functions for us at Parkers.

A. Accounting or administrative managers.

B. External consultants and lawyers.
C. Banking entities responsible for the payment gateway on our Site OR through Instagram OR Etsy OR at our physical space and certifying companies for secure payment on online environments and mobile applications.

D.Transport or logistics companies that manage the shipment and delivery of orders to our customers, as well as changes and returns.
E. Companies or professionals that help us provide technological services or digital strategy, such as web developers or platform providers, hosting, maintenance and support services in our databases, as well as in our software and applications that may contain data about you the customer or visitor.

F. Companies in charge of sending commercial or marketing communications (email, SMS, WhatsApp, push notifications etc) as long as the customer have given us their consent for this type of treatment.

Parkers has signed the corresponding contract for the treatment with each of the external providers to whom we communicate personal information and data of our customers, visitors and users.

It might be is necessary to transfer a customer’s information and data to companies that do not belong to the European Economic Area (EEA). In this event we (at Parkers) will only work with companies that offer sufficient privacy protection in accordance with European legislation, such as, for example, service providers located in the United States that have adhered to the Privacy Shield regulations. This is in order to provide the customer with our services (at Parkers) or complete a service that a customer has required.

In the event that by legal imperative OR governmental OR due to our legitimate interests we (at Parkers) are forced to share with them personal information and data of a customer OR our customer OR our users. For example, in the event of litigation or in response to a request from a tax authority we will comply with the said authority to supply them with the information and data they legally need. This is regards to with judicial bodies, auditors, tax authorities, police, with fraud prevention and debt collection agencies or other legal or governmental authorities.

6.5. Will your Data be transferred to third countries?

No. At Parkers we do not transfer the customers information and data to recipients established in countries outside the European Economic Area (the countries of the European Union plus Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway). However, if in the future it is necessary to make international data transfers to such countries, Parkers will request a customer express consent OR we (at Parkers) will only carry out those information and data transfers that scrupulously comply with the rules and guarantees established in the RGPD, which allows international transfers in the following cases:

A. When they are made to recipients declared to be of an adequate level by the European Commission.
B. When they comply with the appropriate guarantees, as provided in art. 46 RGPD.
C. When they comply with the binding corporate rules established by the AEPD, for example in the event that the interested party has explicitly given their consent.

6.6. Right of access: what is it and how can you exercise it?

The right of access means a customer can ask us (at Parkers) at any time to confirm whether or not we are treating personal data and information correctly.

We will communicate the following information to the customers:

A. For what purposes are we are treating customers information and data.

B. What the information and data and information is.

C. Possible communications, assignments or transfers of a customer information and data to third parties.
D. Expected conservation period.
E. The existence of a customers right to request the rectification or deletion of their personal information and data or the limitation of its treatment, or to oppose said treatment.
F. The right to file a claim with the supervisory authority.
G. In the event that the personal information and data we had not obtained by the customer, any available information about its origin.
H. The existence of automated decisions, including profiling, and significant information about the logic applied, as well as the importance and expected consequences of such treatment for you the customer.

A customer can exercise this right and request all the information above by emailing us: [email protected].

6.7. Order management during and after the purchase process

The personal information and data that a customer provides us (at Parkers) throughout the purchase process on our online platform through Stripes payment portal via our Site will be used to process, send and invoice the item(s) purchased and/or the services provided, to inform the customer about:

1.The monitoring of the order.

2.To manage the delivery

3.To manage possible returns and refunds, as well as to carry out the after-sales services.

Article 7: Deleting Information and Data
This right is also known as the “right to be forgotten”. In certain circumstances, the customer has the right to request that we (Parkers) delete or permanently delete their personal data and information. This is when:

  1. It is no longer relevant or necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed
  2. When the customer has withdrawn consent on which the treatment of their information and data is based (unless there is another legal basis for its treatment)
  3. When the customer has opposed the treatment of their data
  4. Or if other legitimate reasons for the treatment of a customer’s data and information do not prevail, etc.

This is in accordance with the Data Protection Act whereby the customer has the right to access and rectify the information and data that concerns them. To exercise this right, the customer can email us: [email protected].

In the event that we (at Parkers) have communicated a customers personal information and data to third parties and we are obliged, by virtue of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, to delete such information and data. We will do our best to take reasonable measures with a view to informing those responsible who are treating that customers personal information and data. We will request the third party to delete any link to that personal information and data, or any copy or replica of them.

Article 8: Intellectual Property

We are the owners or the licensee of all Parkers intellectual property rights. This includes but not limited to trademakers, copyright rights, patents, rights in design, trade names, domain names, artworks, photographs, images, video in our Site, Instagram page or Facebook page or Etsy and in the material published on it (content).

8.1. Content

The content on Parkers Site, Instagram page and Facebook page is protected by law, rights and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved. Nothing contained in this agreement purports to conter upon the customer, visitor or user a licence or a right to use the content and/or display the content on their PC or other electronic access devices for their personal use, commercial and/or non-commercial use, without obtaining a licence to do from us (at Parkers) or our licensors. Customers, visitors and users are prohibited from reproducing, retransmitting, distributing, selling, publishing, broadcasting or communicating OR otherwise marking available to anyone for any purposes any of the content obtained through our Site on our Instagram page or on our Facebook page through other means unless expressly permitted by us in written confirmation.

Where they have to obtain our expressed permission in written confirmation. Our status (and that of any identified contributors) as the authors of materials on our Site or on our Instagram page or on our Facebook page must always be acknowledged. If they print off, copy, or download any part of our Site or on our Instagram page or on our Facebook page in breach of these Terms and Conditions or our Privacy policy, their right to use our Site or on our Instagram page or on our Facebook page will cease immediately and they MUST at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials they have made.

Article 9: Download and Media files
Any downloadable documents, files or media made available on our Site or on our Instagram page or on our Facebook page are provided to users at their own risk. While all precautions have been undertaken to ensure only genuine downloads are available customers, visitors and users are advised to verify their authenticity using third party anti-virus software or similar applications. We accept no responsibility for third party downloads and downloads provided by external third party websites and advise users to verify their authenticity using third party anti-virus software or similar applications.

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].

Article 10: Reliance on Information and Data Posted

Commentary and other materials posted on our Site, Instagram or Facebook ARE NOT intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed. We therefore disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such materials by any visitors to our Site, Instagram page or Facebook page, or anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].

Article 11: Viruses, Hacking and Other Offences
A user, visitor or customer MUST NOT misuse our Site, Instagram page or Facebook page by knowingly introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which are malicious or technologically harmful. They MUST NOT attempt to gain unauthorised access to our Site, Instagram page, Facebook page, Emails etc, or the server on which our Site is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to our Site. A user, visitor or customer MUST NOT attack our Site via a denial-of-service attack a distributed denial-of service attack or our Instagram page or Facebook page.

By breaching this provision, they would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, their right to use our Site will cease immediately. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial of service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect a user, visitor or customers computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to their use of our Site or to their downloading of any material posted on it, or any Site linked to it.

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].

Article 12: Written Communications
Applicable laws require that some of the information or communications we send to the customer should be in writing. When using our Site, the user, visitor or customer should accept that communication with us will be mainly electronic. We will contact them by email or provide them with information by posting notices on our Site, Instagram page or Facebook page. For contractual purposes, you (the user, visitor or customer) agree to this electronic means of communication and you acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. This condition does not affect your statutory rights.

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].

Article 13: Social Media Profiles

Parkers has a corporate profile on social networks; Instagram, Facebook, linked In, Etsy; being therefore responsible for the treatment of the data and information of all those who follow on use in the aforementioned profiles.

Therefore, if you decide to join our corporate profile (either as a follower or ‘Like’ or ‘Likes’ our profile or our content and publications), or if you interact with us through the different communication channels and messaging from these social networks in question. For example, if you are connected to Instagram and visit a page on the Parkers website, Instagram will likely collect that information. Therefore, we understand that you accept this Privacy Policy, where we explain what your rights are and how we use your data.

As the person responsible for the treatment of your data on these social networks, we guarantee confidentiality in the treatment and fulfillment of your rights. Likewise, we inform you (the customer, visitor or user) that we will use these social networks to announce relevant news or information related to our products or services, and on other topics that may be of interest to you. By using the functionalities of these platforms, you (the customer, visitor or user) may receive news with this type of information on your wall or on your profile.

However, we also want to emphasize that there is no link between Parkers and said platforms or social networks, so the use of them is subject to full acceptance of their own terms and conditions, which are independent of those of Parkers. Our profiles on social networks aim to constitute an alternative communication channel to publicize the contents and services of Parkers to all those who may be interested in them, but we decline the responsibility for data processing that the companies that manage These social networks make them, outside the strict relationship and provision of services indicated in this Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].

Article 14: Modifications of this Privacy Policy
We (at Parkers) reserve the right to modify, at any time and in its sole discretion, the terms of this Privacy Policy. Any modification of this Privacy Policy will be carried out scrupulously complying with each and every one of the obligations regarding data protection imposed by current legislation, and in particular the General Data Protection Regulation. Therefore, we recommend that you consult the content of our Privacy Policy each time you access our website, so that you can know first-hand those updates or changes introduced. At the end of this document you will find the date of the last update. If the changes made were substantial or directly affected your rights or the way in which we treat your personal

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].

14.1. Changes

We (at Parkers) may update the Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.

Article 15: Object

You (the customer, visitor or user) can object to the following:

A. Us processing of some of your information based on our legitimate interests.

B. Receiving marketing messages from us after providing your express consent to receive them.

In such cases, we will delete your personal information unless we have compelling and legitimate grounds to continue using that information or if it is needed for legal reasons.

If you reside in the EU and wish to raise a concern about our use of your information (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have) you have the right to do so with your local data protection authority.

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].

Article 16: Languages and applicable Law

These conditions of sale have been written in English. In the event that they are translated, the text in English will prevail. These general conditions of sale will be executed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish and EU law.

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].

Article 17: Severability of the Clauses

the fact that any clause of the general conditions of sale is declared null, not opposable, expires, illegal or unenforceable due to a law, or regulation or after a final judgement of a competent jurisdiction, cannot question the validity, the legality and applicability of the other stipulations of these general conditions of sale, and will not exempt the client from the fulfillment of his/her contractual obligations.

The part of the contract affected by the nullity shall be integrated in accordance with the provisions of Article 1,258 of the Civil Code and the objective good faith principle. For these purposes, the Judge who declares the nullity of said clauses will integrate the contract and will have the moderating powers regarding the rights and obligations of the parties, when contract subsists, and the consequences of its ineffectiveness in case of appreciable damage to the consumer and user.

Only when the remaining clauses determine an unequal situation in the position of the parties that unequal situation in the position of the parties that cannot be remedied can it be understood and the Judge may declare the contract ineffective.

If you have any questions or queries, please email us at: [email protected].