Terms & Conditions

At Parkers we work towards offering the best possible shipping service for our item(s). We take care of each item(s) when packing to ensure that each item(s) is protected as best as possible because we take into account that the content is important to our customer´s.


The following Terms and Conditions apply to all purchases made from our online shop: Parkers.interiors.com, or through our Instagram page: Parkers.Costabrava or brought from our physical space. Use of this Site by you (the customer) and the purchase of any item(s) from us is conditional upon your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. It is important that you read and understand these Terms and Conditions before proceeding with your transaction. By placing an order through our Site: parkers.interiors.com or from our Instagram: Parkers.Costabrava or from our physical space, you warrant that you are legally entering into a binding contract and are accepting our Terms and Conditions. This contract will govern the relationship and agreement (other than price) between you as a buyer (customer) and us, Parkers, as the seller. In relation to the sale and purchase of the item(s) identified in the Terms and Conditions we refer to below as the Item(s) (the Contract). In addition, we confirm that we either own the item(s) or are authorized to sell the item(s) on behalf of the owner. 

By accepting the Terms and Conditions you, the Customer declare:

  1. That these Terms and Conditions have the capacity to act as a contract in accordance with the applicable Spanish and EU regulations.

B.     That you, the customer, have read and expressly accept each and every one of our Terms and Conditions.

Our Terms and Conditions have been prepared in accordance with the provision of Law 34/2002 on services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), Royal Legislation Decree 1/2007, of November 16th, which approves the Consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws and any other regulations applicable to online shopping in Spain.  Any dispute arising under or in connection with the foregoing shall be determined through the Spanish or EU court systems.

The modification of the Terms and Conditions will be notified to users or customers through the same Site. Therefore, we recommend that the user or customer consult the conditions in force at the time of them using the online services or customers should check periodically for any changes on our Site: parkers.interiors.com OR from our Instagram or Facebook pages OR in our physical space. NO OTHER Terms and Conditions shall apply to the sale of our item(s). IF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE TO YOU PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW.

Terms and Conditions are split into several categories

  1. Basis of Sales
  2. Delivery, Shipping Conditions and Export
  3. Shop and Online Returns, Refunds and Exchanges
  4. Warranty
  5. Pricing
  6. Offers and Promotions
  7. Item(s) listed as ´Currently unavailable´ or ´Out of Stock´
  8. Copyright
  9. Limitation of Liability
  10. Languages and Applicable Law
  11. Trademarks and Designs

Article One: Basis of Sales

A customer´s order constitutes an offer to buy an item(s). Please note that this does not mean that the customers order has been accepted. Rather this clause will come into force from the moment the contract is perfected in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002. Whereby, all orders are subject to acceptance by us, at Parkers. Whereby after you (the customer) has placed an order we will confirm and accept the order by sending you (the customer) a Dispatch Confirmation in email format from us. This will confirm and acknowledge that we, at Parkers have received and accepted the order.

1.1. Description of Goods/ Statement about the item(s).

We, at Parkers, take care to ensure that all details, descriptions and prices of item(s) upon our Site or on our Instagram or Facebook pages or in our physical space are correct. But if errors occur, we, at Parkers reserve the right to alter the details, description or price of item(s) at any time. We also reserve the right to change the specification of the item(s) we sell. If you are in any doubt about the item(s) you wish to purchase we recommend you contact us at: [email protected].

All descriptions and statements by us at Parkers, in regards to the authenticity, attribution, description, date, age, provenance, value, historical significance, title or condition of the item(s) constitute by our judgement and opinion only (save that this shall not operate as to EXCLUDE any liability on our part for misrepresentation) and are not warranted by us.

If our descriptions of the item(s) are partly dependent upon information provided by experts and we are not liable for the statements, data, information and opinions of others or any changes in expert opinion which may take place subsequent to the sale.

While at the time of sale we, at Parkers will (on request by the customer) explain the condition of the item(s) and provide any information in our possession about the condition for which you as a customer may reasonably ask. We will not be responsible for any subsequent deterioration of the item(s), however caused, after the sale.

In addition, small variances may occur in regard to weight, measurements or other similar descriptions. All are approximate and are provided for convenience purposes only. We make all reasonable efforts to accurately display the attributes of our item(s), including the applicable colours. However, the actual colour the customer sees on our Site or on our Instagram or Facebook pages; will depend on the customer’s computer system. So, we cannot guarantee that the customer’s computer will accurately display the item(s) colour(s). We, at Parkers ARE NOT LIABLE for any misrepresentation in color upon our Site or on our Instagram or Facebook pages.

1.2. Your Invoice

Our customers are supplied with a full invoice giving a description of the item(s) purchased. The price paid includes delivery charges, IVA and current taxes in Spain. We also retain our sale invoices. We, at Parkers reserves the right to modify them at any time without prior notice.

1.3. Cancellations

We, at Parkers do not accept orders to be cancelled after 48 hours AFTER the order has been placed by the customer. But the customer can contact us if they are having problems with their order. However, Parkers reserves the right to cancel orders made based on typographical or arithmetic errors or if the order contains an inaccurate shipping address that may make it difficult for our courier to deliver the item(s).

1.4. Treatment and passing over ownership

We, at Parkers, take NO LIABILITY for changes in appearance, performance, or defects in any of our fabrics or item(s). If the item(s) or fabric are treated after purchase by spraying, cleaning, polishing, re-waxing, restoring, repairs, reframing or processing of any kind, including treating the fabric with flame proofing solutions or the application of stain repellent treatments. This is up to the customer. We have NO LIABILITY about the fabric or item(s) after the customer has purchased it and had it delivered to themselves. However, full legal title of the item(s) will not pass to the customer until we have received in FULL and until our bank has cleared the funds for the full amount due, in regard to the item(s).

If the customer has possession of the item(s) before full payment has been made, you, the Customer must:

  1. Keep the item(s), not sell it or hand it over to any other person or dispose of any interest in it;
  2. In the case of an item(s) consisting of more than one item, keep those item(s) together;
  3. Keep any identifying marks showing that we (Parkers) own the item(s) clearly displayed;
  4. Store the item(s) on your (customer) premises and at no cost to us, separately from other property;
  5. At our request, and after we have given you reasonable notice, allow us or a third party acting on our behalf to have access to the Item(s) in order to inspect it;
  6. Preserve the item(s) in the same state as it was on delivery and in particular not restore, repair, clean or reframe it without our written consent.

1.5. Loss of item(s)

If loss of order occurs or the item(s) that makes up the customers order is lost. After we at Parkers have confirmed that the item(s) is lost we will inform the customer by email or telephone.

In regard to the partial loss of the delivery, in accordance with Article III of the LGDCU (La Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usarios). The customer has the possibility of:

A. Asking Parkers for another product of the same quality and price as the originally one ordered.

B. Requesting the cancellation of their order and for Parkers to refund the full amount paid within a maximum period of 30 calendar days. The 30 calendar days will start from the time the customer requests the cancelation. 

Article Two: Delivery, Shipping Conditions & Exporting

The customer is responsible for verifying that the information provided to us, at Parkers during the order is true and complete. Especially the delivery address.  Parkers is not responsible for any typographical errors that may cause a delivery error. In addition, Parkers is not responsible for possible errors made by the customer and/ or for the customer´s failure to comply with the delivery method(s). As well as the appointment that the customer has arranged with the courier. In that case, the expenses necessary for the re-shipment and storage of the item(s) will be borne by the customer. 

2.1. Client should take this information into account before validating the order

We dispatch signed-for, tracked service. The delivery of the item(s) is made to the customers address ****. All additional costs related to the rental of elevators, storage or the risk(s) of damage derived from these problems will be borne by the customer. In the event that delivery cannot be made on the scheduled day due to difficulties of access or passage not previously indicated by the customer or the absence of the customer on the day of delivery agreed with the courier (which is a breach of the commitment established Parkers). We, at Parkers will re-invoice the delivery costs.

Delivery charges are calculated based on the weight and volume of the item(s) ordered. We will deliver the item(s) to the address the customer specified for the delivery. Please make sure this address is accurate and that you, the customer, take care to select the appropriate address for the shipping and the billing. the delivery of bulky, fragile, unusual or larger item(s) such as furniture requires special handling will be quote-based. We will get back to the customer with a quote within 48 hours. 

Once the item(s) has been delivered in accordance to the customer´s delivery instructions, liability cannot be accepted for loss or damage to the item(s). Additionally, all endeavours are made to deliver the item(s) within a quoted time frame however if this cannot be guaranteed or should a delivery be delayed due to circumstances beyond reasonable control or force majeure. Contact by ourselves or the courier company will be made to the customer regarding the changed delivery date.

Shipping Prices & Rates:
A.  Standard Spanish delivery: We aim to deliver within 5-7 working days. Please note that the delivery of bulky, fragile or unusual item(s) requires special handling so a time frame will be quote based as stated in Article 2.1. above.

B. Standard Balearic Islands & EU delivery: We aim to deliver within 7-10 working days. Please note that the delivery of bulky, fragile or unusual item(s) requires special handling so a time frame will be quote based as stated in Article 2.1. above.

C. International delivery: International delivery is available, but it depends on the item(s) that we are delivering. This will be quote based as stated above in Article 2.1.

All delivery prices for EU customers include IVA, management fees and fuel taxes. Days when an item(s) won´t be in transit are bank or national holidays including Saturdays and Sunday. These days are considered holidays. During busier periods of the year, such as Christmas, higher traffic in deliveries might cause extension on delivery times.

2.2 Delivery methods

A. Delivery of Standard or Small Packages: Delivery will be made by the courier. If the customer wants to change or cancel the delivery date, they must undertake this; 72 hours before the scheduled delivery date. In the absence of the Customer at the allocated address on time of delivery a notice of the missed delivery will be left in the customer’s mailbox. The note will inform the customer where they can pick up their package. On collection or delivery, the customer will need to present an identity document.

B. Delivery of bulky packages: The customer MUST be present on the agreed day of delivery. In the event of the customer´s absence at the allocated address on the day of delivery, or in the event of an error made by the customer in regards to the delivery address, the costs of a new delivery shall be borne by the customer.

2.3. Delivery Access

Access responsibility for ensuring that the item(s) ordered can be delivered to the delivery address REMAINS with the customer. Safe and reasonable access from public streets or highways to the place of delivery must be available. Parking permits (if needed) should be arranged by the customer in advance of the delivery. Delivery charge does not include any costs resulting from the removal of fixtures (including windows and doorways) or the use of specialist equipment.

Should access be considered unsafe, delivery of the item(s) will not be possible until safe access is provided by the customer. In addition, if the item(s) cannot be delivered due to access restrictions, the customer will be liable for costs associated with the delivery of that order. Should there be any concerns about access via restricted spaces; doorways, stairs, lifts or hallways, we strongly advise that a request for an access inspection is made prior to the purchase of the item(s).

2.7. International Shipping and exporting

If the item(s) is to be exported from Spain, whether to other countries within the European Union or outside the European Union, it will be your (customer) responsibility to obtain the relevant export licenses. When making arrangements for export of the item(s) you must: comply with all requirements of any relevant tax authorities, any export licensing authorities and any other relevant official bodies. In addition, the delivery of item(s) outside the EU may be liable to additional duty and custom charges. Whereby a domestic sales tax may be added on receipt of the delivery. Furthermore, additional charges for customs clearance MUST be accepted by you, the customer. You, the customer will also be responsible for paying any taxes including import tax, duty, merchandise, sales or user tax that have to be paid in the country of destination whether on shipment or on import or at any other time.

Policies for customs vary from country to country, so the customer should contact the necessary local customs office for further information prior to ordering. In the event that an item(s) requires returning, we, at Parkers, will be unable to refund import duty and local sales tax.

The customer MUST reimburse to us (at Parkers) any sum claimed if the Agencia Estatal de Administracion Tributaria (AEAT) or any other relevant tax authorities or any other official governmental body makes any claim against us for IVA, sales tax, use tax or any other expense or penalties resulting from your (the customer) failure to comply with the relevant requirements for an item(s) export or import. Lastly, unless otherwise agreed in writing, the sale of the item(s) is not dependent on either us or you are obtaining an export license and failure or delay in obtaining a license will not constitute a basis to cancel a purchase or delay payment for it. If you want to make a further enquiring into Spanish tax information and policies, you can contact AEAT on these numbers: (+0034) 901 335 533 or (+0034) 915 548 770. They are open Monday to Fridays from 9am – 7pm.

Due to the nature of the item(s) we sell it means that they are normally bulky, fragile or large this has meant that for international customer our returns policy is NOT AVAILABLE. International customer´s constitute to as customer who are located outside of the EU. Whereby International buyers CANNOT RETURN item(s).

Parkers as a company has no control over these charges and they are a reflection of the customs and policies held by the item(s) final destination country. If you have any questions about your order please email: [email protected].

2.8. Multiple deliveries

It may be necessary (sometimes) to split a customer´s order up. An delivery note will be included in your order detailing the customer about the outstanding item(s). If an item(s) is or are missing, please contact us, at Parkers, as soon as possible at [email protected].

2.9. Christmas Deliveries

We at Parker´s would like to ensure that all our customer´s item(s) reach them on time for Christmas. Please note that the last date for Standard Spanish shipping will be by the 15th December. Orders for unique item(s) or furniture should be placed by the 4th December. For international deliveries please enquire: [email protected].

Article Three: Shop and Online Returns, refunds and exchanges

3.1 General Information

If a customer is not fully happy with an order due to the item(s) or being faulty the customer has the right to ask for a refund. They have to return their order within a period of 14 calendar days after they have requested a refund.

Before making any return or exchange you (the customer) must notify us in writing to [email protected] within three calendar days from the when the item(s) was delivered.

Stating: full name, order number, item(s) and quantities. You must tell us the reason why you want to return or exchange the item(s).  We will quickly answer you indicating the procedure on the type of exchange or return in which your case is indicated in section 3.4.

We will send you (the customer) an email accompanied by your invoice and a Returns Order Form which you will have to complete, sign and then send back to us via email. We can only accept a return or refund for an item(s) from the person who brought the item(s). If an item(s) is purchased by a customer as a gift(s) a returns or refund can only be given to the original purchaser.

Parkers does not accept returns for item(s) return or refund if the customer has contacted us AFTER 14 calendar days period from when the item(s) was delivered. If the item(s) have been used or damaged or where the original packaging has been removed (unless the item(s) is faulty). Our decision will always be final in regards to the condition of why the item(s) should be refunded and if we have reasonable grounds to believe the item(s) has been used so we cannot make the refund. The item(s) must be shipped back to us within 30 calendar days from the delivery date.
We thoroughly checks all item(s) for any defects before they are dispatched but as an extra precaution, we advise our customers to check goods on receipt and also before removing any packaging. Once the product is fully unpackaged or used, WE DO NOT ACCEPT any returns unless the item is faulty.

Due to the nature of the item(s) we sell it means that they are normally bulky, fragile or large this has meant that for international customer our returns policy is NOT AVAILABLE. International customer´s constitute to as customer who are located outside of the EU. Whereby International buyers CANNOT RETURN item(s).

3.2 Under what Conditions can I return the order?

You, the customer has a legal obligation to take reasonable care of the item(s) whilst it is in your possession. If you fail to comply with this obligation, we may make a deduction from the reimbursement you are entitled to or for loss in value of the item(s). Upon returning the shipment; the item(s) will remain the customers responsibility until the item(s) has reached our return address. It is recommended that the customer for their own protection send the parcel using a delivery service that insures and covers the full value of the item(s) and that a delivery certificate is obtained and tracking be placed on the item(s). Please ensure all item(s) returned to Parkers are in a re-salable condition and in the original packaging.

If your order has been sent to a destination within the EU, all sales taxes will be refunded. For orders outside the EU, custom duties and sales taxes incurred by the customers are non-refundable.

During the 14 calendar days the customer must bear the cost(s) (the costs of shipment) to return the item(s) back to us. If the customer returns the item(s) damaged the customer will not be refunded or partially refunded. Also, the customer must pay shipping costs if the cancellation occurs after the item(s) has been shipped by ourselves.

3.3. Item(s) that cannot be returned or exchanged

The procedure for returning or refunding an item(s) to us depends on the circumstances. Please read the details below carefully. We cannot accept returns or refunds on fabric orders.

Because of the nature of the item(s) that we sale at Parkers. Unless they have been delivered damaged or are defective, we cannot accept returns or refund for them. The following list specifies what we, at Parkers, DO NOT REFUND and it should inform you, as a customer, what products or reasons we (at Parkers) WON´T ACCEPT for a refund:

A. A custom or personalised order.

B. Perishable products
or item(s) (flowers, food).

C. Digital downloads

D. If an item(s) is known to be faulty OR damaged OR shows marks of wear and usage at the time of purchase.

E. If labels, maker’s marks or anything identifying or adding provenance to an item(s) have been removed.

F. If an item(s) that has been damaged by the customer trying to repair, clean, restore, reframe, treat, spray etc the item(s) or fabric or getting someone else to do it.

G. If the customer no longer wants the item(s) (e.g. because it is the wrong size or colour).

H. Parkers do not offer a ‘buy back’ service for item(s) purchased from us.

Our Return Address will be in detailed in our Return Order Form that will be emailed to you upon confirmation that your cancellation has been accepted by ourselves at Parkers. If you are unsure please contact us at: [email protected]

3.4. Different cases of possible returns with different procedures and resolutions:

A. Faulty items: We need photographic or recorded proof of the fault and the receipt of purchase must be obtained and sent to us beforehand. If the customer wants to return a defective item(s) to Parkers we will exchange the item(s). But if the item(s) is not available we will refund the full amount of the item(s) purchased price to the customer.

B. The product shows a breakage or damage due to transport: In this case, the customer must contact us IMMEDIATELY, attaching photographic documentation of the packaging and the damaged or broken item(s). Parkers will be responsible for the management and collection of the damaged item(s) as quickly as possible. Parkers will agree with you (the customer) whether or not you prefer to be refunded the FULL amount paid for the damaged item(s) (including also the proportional part of the shipment of said item(s)) or the immediate replacement of the damaged or broken item(s) under the same shipping conditions that the original purchase was managed. However, due to the nature of the item(s) that we sell at Parkers means that we have limited stock of the majority of our item(s), this will also determine whether or not we can either replace the item(s) or have to make a full refund.

If the customer has not received all the item(s) that appears on the invoice: We, at Parkers will always make the pertinent checks and in the event of an error in the shipment, we will inform the customer via email and send the undelivered item(s) as quickly as possible. At no cost to the customer.

If the customer no longer wants the item(s) due to an error in shipment the customer is entitled to be refunded the full amount of the item(s). If preferred by the customer and we will collect the item(s) the customer has received.

D. Any other circustance: If a customer wants to return an item(s) under any other circumstances. This includes rejecting a defective item(s) AFTER 14 calendar days return period. This will be made at our discretion. If we do agree to provide a refund the cost of delivery to the customer will not be reimbursed and the cost incurred by the customer in returning the item(s) to us will not be reimbursed by ourselves.

3.5. Item(s) refund procedure

From the moment the customer has received the Return´s Policy form, Parkers undertakes to financially reimburse the customer within a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the date when the Return´s Policy form was sent to the customer and once the status of the returned item(s) has been confirmed in writing via email. The refund will be made in the same method of payment in which the customer made their purchase. When we at Parkers have received the returned item(s) the customer will be notified by email to inform them that their item(s) has been safely received by ourselves. Please allow up to 10 working days for monies being refunded to show up on your bank statement.

Article Four: Warranty

We warrant that the item(s) are not item(s) covered by a manufacturer’s guarantee because of the nature of the item(s)hat we sell at Parkers. Instead the item(s) will meet our (Parkers) specification.

If the item(s) is Artisan made or from a manufactures then the item(s) will be under either the Artisans or the manufactures guarantee policy.

Article Five: Pricing

Due to the nature of the item(s) that we sell at Parkers aka antiques, it means the majority of the item(s) we sell are either fragile, bulky or large due to this the price of the item(s) DOES NOT include delivery.

The delivery or collection of an item(s) must be purchased or organized separate to the item(s) purchase.

5.1. Payment Method

Parkers Shop will accept the following forms of payment for purchases made on our Site or on our Instagram or through our physical space. In accordance with the conditions established in the following paragraph and in the corresponding applicable regulations.
When ordering the customer must pay the purchase in FULL. Payment for all item(s) must be by credit or debit card. We accept payment with Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Maestro.

By communicating your (the customers) bank card number, the customer authorises the amount of the purchase to be debited to their card. Orders in the form of a bank card payment will be considered effective by us (at Parkers) once they have the authorization of the payment center corresponding to the card in question.

All transmission of information by the customer is carried out in a secure context that uses the protocols in force on the internet through the policy and security system set up by Stripe. Payments made online are made through the Stripe security system via our Site or if you are buying through Etsy through their seller policy system.

  1. Credit card: It is the most comfortable, safe and the fastest way to pay. Only the digit, the explication date of a credit card, and the security numbers on the back of the card are needed.
  2. Bank transfer: Once the customer and ourselves at Parkers have agreed to the order, we will send the customer our IBAN. You must make the payment by means of account deposit or bank transfer. Payments using this method can be delayed (depending on the bank) from 2 to 4 days. Once we have received the transfer, the package and shipping will be processed. In case you make the transfer from outside Spain, do not forget to use the IBAN and BIC number, it will not only speed up the process but also save additional costs.

5.2. Withdrawal or incidence occurring during payment period

In case of incidence in the payment of the order. Parkers has the right to withhold the delivery of the item(s) ordered by the customers until the payment has been made in FULL. Parkers retains ownership of the item(s) the customer has ordered until such time as effective payment of the principal amount and supplements is made. The delivery of the item(s) will not be made UNTIL FULL PAYMENT according to the conditions indicated at the time of purchase.

In case the customer has incompleted, failed or is irregular in making the payment in full for whatever reason or in case of the customer has incurred a payment incident, Parkers reserves the right to suspend or cancel the delivery of the order(s) in progress. We, at Parkers are entitled (without prejudice to our rights and remedies within law) to either:

  1. Terminate the Contract, repossess the item(s) and claim damages for any loss we, at Parkers have suffered; OR
  2. At our election, treat the sale as cancelled, and repossess the item(s). In which case (and only in which case) we, at Parkers shall organize and safely return of the item(s) to use. Refund to you any part of the value you have paid, after deduction of any sums due to us including but not limited to costs of recovery and restoration of the item(s).

We (at Parkers) shall also have the right to repossess the item(s) and cancel the sale if before you (the customer) make full payment of the Price to us, proceedings occur in Spain and in the EU or elsewhere globally involving your solvency (including the presentation of a bankruptcy or winding-up petition; or the convening of a meeting to wind you up voluntary).

Where upon, we at Parkers, notify you in writing via email (the Customer) of the exercise of our right to repossession. You will after receiving this and within 7 calendar days of such notice, return the item(s) to our address at your cost and risk OR tell us where the item(s) is kept and allow us to enter the premises where the item(s) is (separately) kept and take the item(s) away at your cost (it being understood that where the item(s) consists of more than one item, our rights of repossession extend to all such items).

We (at Parkers) also reserves the right to claim any damages in case of non-payment, and we also may demand compensation for damages in an amount equal to the legal interest on the money. In the event that 14 calendar days after the date of communication by certified mail of the non-payment and without the customer having regularized the situation, the recovery of the payment and order will be made through the courts with the costs of lawyers being borne by the customer.

5.3. Product Pricing
If the price of the item(s) changes between the date we, at Parkers accept your order and the delivery date, you the customer will pay the price you paid during your original transaction.

5.4. Under-priced Products

In the event that an item(s) listed on our Site, Instagram or Facebook pages or in our physical space has an incorrect price due to typographical error, or error in pricing information from our suppliers, we (at Parkers) have the right to refuse or cancel any orders listed at the incorrect price whether or not the order has been confirmed. If we have already charged you for the order we will subsequently cancel your order and immediately issue a refund to your account or card. You should receive that within 14 calendar days from when we notified you by written confirmation via email.

5.5. Payment Currency
All prices indicated on our Site, Instagram or Facebooks pages and in our physical space are quoted in Euros and include the IVA applicable at the time of order. Any change in the IVA rate can be passed on to the price of the item(s). In addition the customer is subject to currency value or conversion rates. Parkers is not responsible for any changes in currency value or conversion rates that your (the customer) bank or credit card company may use when charging in your country’s currency. If you have any queries regarding your purchase of item(s) from Parkers web portal you can contact: [email protected]. We will endeavour to answer all concerns within 48 hours

Article Six: Offers and Promotions

Sometimes, at Parkers we run offers, promotions and sales online. These are subject to the following terms:

1. All offers are subject to availability. Sale items are limited stock and although an item(s) may show as ‘In stock’ or ‘Available’ we may occasionally be unable to fulfil the order due to increased demand or limited stock of the item(s). If we are unable to fulfil an order you will be notified by email and given a refund for the item(s).

2. All offers exclude delivery charges.

3. Offer and dates apply.

4. Offers are at the sole discretion of Parkers and are subject to variation or withdrawal without notice. Offers or promotions cannot be applied to previously placed orders.

Article Seven: Item(s) listed as ‘Currently unavailable’ or ‘out of stock’

If an item(s) is listed as ‘Currently Unavailable’ or ‘Out of stock’ this means that you (the customer) are unable to purchase that item(s) at that present moment. We, at Parkers make every effort to make sure that advertised stock information is kept up-to-date. Unfortunately if an item(s) does become ‘Unavailable’ or ‘Out of Stock’ or there is a delay from a supplier. We will make contact on our Site or on our Instagram or Facebook pages or via email as soon as possible with a new expected delivery date to replenish the item(s) stock. If the item(s) is a limited edition we will provide a full refund if the customer has already made an order and paid for it. We will not be held responsible for compensating you for any losses you may suffer if we are unable to supply the requested item(s). In this context, the customer has the possibility of:

A. Ask us for another product of the same quality and price as the one originally ordered.

B. The customer reserves the right to request the cancellation of their order and obtain a full refund of the amount paid. The amount refunded should appear in the customer´s bank account within maximum period of 30 working days.

Article Eight: Copyright

The copyright subsisting in all images, photographic images or video imagery´s/videos and other materials such as logos, designs, products, artworks, service names, cloth designs, fabric designs, kitchen designs, kitchen item designs, graphic designs, ceramic designs, slogans, furniture designs, related names, produced and made by us at Parkers for sale is owned by us at Parkers. Such images, products, logos, designs, artworks and materials may ONLY be used with our permission. We will have the right to use such images in our own discretion after the sale of the item(s). During the period in which the item(s) is protected by copyright, the copyright remains with its author (or any person to whom that right has been assigned). You as a customer are purchasing the item(s), but not the right to produce copies of the item(s) (including photographs thereof) for publication. If such rights are sought, you should contact the copyright owner.

Article Nine: Limitation of Liability

The customer is responsible for verifying that the information provided to us at Parkers during the order is true and complete especially the delivery address.  Parkers is not responsible for any typographical errors that may cause a delivery error. In addition, Parkers is not responsible for possible errors made by the customer and/ or for the customer´s failure to comply with the delivery method(s) as well as the appointment that the customer has arranged with the courier. In that case, the expenses necessary for the re-shipment and storage of the item(s) will be borne by the customer. 

Parkers is not liable for damages resulting from misuse of the item(s) by the customer or in the event of force majeure. Fortuitous cases or causes of force majeure that exempt from liability all those unavoidable, unforeseeable or independent events or circumstances of the parties will be considered. Especially in the event of a total or partial strike by couriers and natural disasters such as floods, pandemics or fires.

The customer chooses and acquires the item(s) under there own and sole responsibility.

The total liability of Parkers for any claim, however arising, shall not exceed the price of the item(s) supplied by us to the customer. These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. We, at Parkers endeavour to keep the Site, Instagram or Facebooks pages, and our physical space up-to-date, but retain the right to update item(s) information without notice.

The inclusion of any item(s) or services on the Site Instagram or Facebooks pages, and our physical space at a particular time does not imply or warrant that these products or services will be available at any time. Contracts for the purchase of item(s) through our Site Instagram or Facebooks pages, and our physical space and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by Spanish  and EU Law. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with such Contracts of their formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the non-exclusion jurisdiction of the Courts of Spain or EU court system.

Article Ten: Languages and applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions and conditions of sale have been written in English. In the event that they are translated, the text in English will prevail. These Terms and Conditions and general conditions of sale will be executed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish and EU law.

Article Eleven: Trademarks and designs

Parkers Ltd and all related names, logos, products, service names, fabric designs, clothes designs, kitchen designs, artworks, designs, graphic designs, furniture designs, ceramic designs, kitchen item designs, slogans are trademarks of PARKER´S Ltd or its affiliates or licensors. Such marks cannot be used without prior written permission of PARKER´S Ltd. All other names, brands and marks are used for identification purposes only and are the trademarks of their respective owners. For more information on the trademarks of PARKER´S Ltd, please contact us at this email address: [email protected]